Road Weather and Road Weather Stations

Why should we be interested in road weather? The answer is simple – the weather directly affects people’s mobility, and our daily decisions also depend on it. Road weather describes the state of the traffic environment at a specific time and place. Through road weather, we can characterize the driving and road conditions, for example, whether the road is slippery, whether snowfall worsens the driving conditions, etc. The availability of road weather observation and forecast data simplifies decision-making and improves mobility.

We have been monitoring road weather for several decades. We developed the Estonian road weather monitoring information system (RWIS) and installed several different types of weather stations on Estonian roads, being responsible for their condition and maintenance.

The TIK road weather monitoring web service created by us includes, in addition to observation data from Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Finnish road weather stations, also road weather forecasts and can warn users of dangerous situations according to preset conditions of weather, road and traffic conditions. TIK online service supports decision-making processes related to road maintenance and transport organization and helps to prevent risks caused by changing weather conditions.

In addition to traditional road weather monitoring and weather station solutions, we offer road weather data and weather forecasts for a freely chosen geographic point as a service . For this, we use both smart road weather stations and road weather modeling. The devices are compact and can be easily installed in locations where accurate information is most important. Each additional device improves the overview of the situation in the area and provides valuable input to weather forecast models.

We develop and offer road weather model predictions all over Estonia, but we are already ready to offer this service outside Estonia as well. Our models make it possible to predict the road environment both in time (at least for the next 24 hours) and in space, for example by filling road sections between previously installed road weather stations with data.

Our solutions make decision-making processes based on weather data affordable for all interested parties, from state institutions and municipalities to companies and private customers. Feel free to contact us and we will find a suitable solution together.

See also the Road and weather page .