Innovation and expertise
in road sector
We offer testing of road and general construction materials, construction products and soils. All tests from one laboratory!
We measure and analyze the condition of road structures and road surfaces and the quality of road works.
We develop, build and manage road information systems. We ensure that road information reaches the right place at the right time.
Road weather information online service for road owners and road maintenance service providers. Tomorrow’s road conditions already today!
We supervise construction works on highways, streets, bridges, railways and airports.
We check the compliance of road facilities and construction projects with the prescribed requirements.
We conduct traffic and traffic safety studies, construction materials studies, profitability studies and prepare road development plans.
We certify the compliance of construction materials and construction products.
Our training courses are known as a source of best practices.
AS Teede Tehnokeskus ja Eesti Taristuehituse Liit MTÜ koostöös toimub 15.04.25 koolituspäev
Koolituspäeva eesmärk on vahetult enne aktiivse teetööde perioodi algust edastada osalejatele kokkuvõtlik teave ajutist liikluskorraldust reguleerivatest normdokumentidest ja töövõtjate poolt sagedasematest eksimustest liikluskorralduse läbiviimisel nii riigiteedel kui linnatänavatel töös olevatel objektidel.
Dokumendid ja alateemad, millele koolitusel keskendutakse:
Koolituspäeva osalejateks on oodatud: tellijate, sh KOV-de ja töövõtjate projektijuhid ja objektijuhid, teedel ja tänavatel ajutise liikluskorralduse läbiviijad, omanikujärelevalve esindajad.
Koolituspäeva viivad läbi:
Koolituse toimumise koht: veebiseminar.
Algus kell 9.30, kestus 4,7 akadeemilist tundi, osalemine annab 3,7 TP-d.
Koolitusel osaleja hind 140 €, lisandub km.*
* kui ühest ettevõttest osalejate arv on suurem kui 4, rakendub kõigile allahindlus 10%.
Koolitusel osalejaks saab registreeruda kuni 12.04.25 alloleval vormil või e-posti aadressil
Tulge ja täiendage oma erialaseid teadmisi!
09:15 - 09:25
Osalejad kogunevad.
09:25 - 09:30
Sissejuhatus infopäeva.
09:30 - 11:00
Liikluskorraldust reguleerivad normdokumendid.
Jarmo Vooglaine, Transpordiamet
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 13:30
Teetöödeaegne liikluskorraldus linnades, tööohutus ja sagedasemad eksimused.
Mario Küla, Ramudden OÜ
Olete oodatud osalema 24. aprillil 2025.a. toimuval koolituspäeval
Koolituspäeva eesmärk anda osalejatele teavet nõuetest tee- ja raudtee ehitusmaterjalide standardijärgsele proovivõtule ning katsetamisele. Usume, et ehitusmaterjalide proovivõtu ja katsetamise teema on jätkuvalt aktuaalne ning kõnetab tellijate, töövõtjate ja omanikujärelevalveteenust pakkuvate ettevõtete esindajaid.
Toimumise koht: hotell Dzingel konverentsikeskus, Männiku tee 89, Tallinn.
Koolituspäeva kestus: 7,4 akadeemilist tundi, osalemine annab 6,5 TP-d.
Koolitusel osalemise hind: 160 € +km*.
* Taristuehituse Liit liikme ning Transpordiameti ja Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ osaleja hind 150 € +km.
Osalejaks saab registreeruda kuni 19.04.25 või alloleval vormil.
09:00 - 09:25
09:25 - 09:30
Koolituse sissejuhatus.
09:30 - 10:00
Proovivõtu olulisus tellija vaates.
Ott Talvik, Transpordiamet
10:00 - 11:00
Asfaltsegud, proovivõtt töömaal.
Oliver Kiisler, Tariston AS
11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:30
Täitematerjalide proovivõtt ja katsetamine (liiv-kruus-killustik).
Kristjan Lill, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
12:30 - 13:15
13:15 - 13:45
Nõuded täitematerjalidele, proovivõtule ja katsetamisele Rail Baltica objektidel.
Janek Hendrikson, Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ
13:45 - 14:15
Töövõtja vaade ja kogemus – Rail Baltica objektidel täitematerjalide nõuete vastavuse tagamine, protseduurid ja tegevused.
Arutelupaneelis Verston Eesti OÜ ja Rail Baltic Estonia OÜ
14:15 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:15
Proovide vastuvõtt laboris, hoiustamine, käitlemine. Tellimuste vormistamine.
Henri Prank, AS Teede Tehnokeskus
15:45 - 16:45
Teede Tehnokeskuse akrediteeritud katselabori külastus (Väike-Männiku 26).
Henri Prank, AS Teede Tehnokeskus
Road weather information online service created by Teede Tehnokeskus for everyone related to winter road maintenance and traffic. Forecast of road conditions up to 48 hours, information from road weather stations, mobile road sensors, road pictures and much more. Ask us for more.
The innovative thermal measurement device created by Teede Tehnokeskus with software and web environment provides a comprehensive overview of the temperature uniformity of asphalt pavements.
Did you know that it is no longer necessary to spend a lot of money to buy and maintain expensive road weather stations to get road weather information? TIK City Smart Weather was created for this purpose – high-quality road conditions and weather information quickly and conveniently from the locations you need!
We map the road environment with mobile technology that collects both panoramic images and point clouds. The 3D road image system is a useful tool for both the road owner and others whose objects of interest are located in the vicinity of roads. Collecting a 3D road image is fast.
Estonia's road expertise and innovation center, the state-owned enterprise AS Teede Tehnokeskus, announced the winners of the "Smoothest Road in...
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Estonia's road expertise and innovation center, the state-owned enterprise AS Teede Tehnokeskus, announced the winners of the "Smoothest Road in Estonia 2024" award during the Estonian Road Maintenance Forum held in Paide. This year's Smoothest Road 2024 award was given to the Jõhvi-Tartu-Valga road section in Tartu County, paved by Verston Eesti OÜ.
Smoothness Measurements Based on International Methodology
According to Sven Veskioja, project manager at AS Teede Tehnokeskus, road smoothness is evaluated using specialized measuring equipment based on the international IRI (International Roughness Index) methodology. "This year, smoothness measurements were conducted on 64 road sections across Estonia, all of which were considered in the rankings," said Veskioja.
Impressive Results for the Winning Section
The winning road section, located on the Jõhvi-Tartu-Valga road between kilometers 146.6 and 155.4, achieved a smoothness index of 0.63. The paving was carried out by Verston Eesti OÜ. This result significantly enhances the driving comfort and user experience of this road section, Veskioja added. The award was received by Alan Muruväli, Verston Eesti's construction manager.
Muruväli emphasized Verston's commitment to quality: "This year's outstanding results were achieved through forward-thinking and efficient planning, ensuring no asphalt delivery delays and continuous paver movement. Special attention was given to rolling to avoid any stops on the warm mix. Great work deserves applause, so let's give our asphalt team a big round of applause."
Recognizing Companies' Achievements
Verston Eesti OÜ was represented in the rankings with four road sections, including the winning section. Tariston AS made it to the list three times. The rankings also included Tref AS, Tref Nord AS, and Atemo OÜ. "Estonian road builders consistently deliver high-quality work, which deserves recognition," Veskioja emphasized.
Top 10 Smoothest Roads
Smooth Roads Across Estonia
"This year's smoothest roads were relatively evenly distributed across Estonia, which is very positive for regional development. In addition to Nõo and Elva municipalities in Tartu County, the quality of the road network was also improved in Toila municipality in Ida-Viru County, Viru-Nigula municipality in Lääne-Viru County, Saku and Rae municipalities in Harju County, Saarde municipality in Pärnu County, Põltsamaa municipality in Jõgeva County, and in Paide, Järva County," said Veskioja.
Investments and Quality Enhance Traffic Safety
"Asphalt paving is a complex process requiring significant investments and motivation. Measurement results show that Estonian road builders maintain a high standard. It is also worth noting that consistent investment in roads increases traffic safety, improves the driving environment, and reduces maintenance costs for both road owners and users," Veskioja concluded.
Supporting the next generation in the roadconstruction field has always been important to us! We had a pleasure of hosting...
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Supporting the next generation in the roadconstruction field has always been important to us! We had a pleasure of hosting first year TalTech students from the roadengineering program.
Henri Prank, our laboratory manager, introduced them to the lab´s work and shared insight about the role of research and development in road construction.
Its always inspiring to see future engineers taking their first steps in the field. Thank you for visiting – we hope to see you again soon!
The City of Jyväskylä has a winter mobility project that aims to develop winter maintenance and anticipation of winter maintenance...
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The City of Jyväskylä has a winter mobility project that aims to develop winter maintenance and anticipation of winter maintenance measures with equipment purchased from different operators.
As a part of this project AS Teede Tehnokeskus have begun a two-year pilot project focused on improving winter maintenance by using advanced weather monitoring technology on bridges. The project aims to provide real-time data on weather and road surface conditions, allowing the city to respond more effectively to winter weather challenges. By combining real-time sensor data with advanced weather models and user feedback data, the system delivers highly precise weather predictions specific to individual bridges. This enables the city to make more informed decisions on road maintenance.
“As a city that experiences changing weather conditions, it is important for us to be able to anticipate changes in winter weather as well as possible. By introducing this new weather monitoring technology, we can gain a much deeper understanding of the road surface conditions on our bridges,” development manager Teemu Liimatainen from the city of Jyväskylä. “This allows us to react faster and more accurately to changing weather conditions. We believe that this partnership with AS Teede Tehnokeskus will improve the efficient use of resources.”
As part of the project, autonomous IoT-based weather stations have been installed on selected bridges in Jyväskylä. These stations provide real-time updates on key factors such as road surface temperature and moisture levels, offering crucial insights into conditions that lead to ice formation. Thanks to their compact size, these sensors can be embedded directly into the bridge surface without causing any damage, providing highly accurate data even in the most challenging conditions.
Real-Time Insights for Better Winter Mobility
This pilot project will be closely monitored over the course of two years, with data analysis aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the technology in improving maintenance practices. The success of the initiative could lead to further expansion of these systems to other critical infrastructure points in Jyväskylä and beyond.
“This project represents an important step toward leveraging real-time data and advanced technology to enhance road safety during the winter months,” said Taivo Möll, CEO of AS Teede Tehnokeskus. “We look forward to seeing how these systems improve the winter maintenance of bridges in Jyväskylä.”
On September 18, 2024, the annual conference “Bridge Day 2024” took place at the Estonia Resort & Spa Conference Center...
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On September 18, 2024, the annual conference “Bridge Day 2024” took place at the Estonia Resort & Spa Conference Center in Pärnu, gathering nearly 160 engineers and specialists. The event focused on the achievements and future challenges of bridge engineering in Estonia.
The conference featured a total of 16 presentations. A new format was introduced: an 8-minute presentation block consisting of 8 presentations, with slides changing automatically every 20 seconds, challenging presenters to convey key points within a short timeframe.
In recent years, Estonia has seen the construction of a significant number of various structures, including bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, which provided ample topics for discussion at the conference. The presentations highlighted that Estonia’s bridge engineering expertise has steadily advanced year by year, enabling the construction of increasingly complex and innovative structures.
One of the most challenging recent projects is considered to be the new arch bridge in Pärnu, currently under construction and scheduled for completion in 2025. The bridge is being built by the company INF Infra. Conference participants also had the opportunity to visit the construction site of this new bridge.
The Bridge Day 2024 was organized by AS Teede Tehnokeskus in cooperation with the Estonian Transport Administration. The project managers for the event were Eva Äkke and Taivo Kurg, with Sander Sein serving as the moderator.