Innovation and expertise
in road sector
We offer testing of road and general construction materials, construction products and soils. All tests from one laboratory!
We measure and analyze the condition of road structures and road surfaces and the quality of road works.
We develop, build and manage road information systems. We ensure that road information reaches the right place at the right time.
Road weather information online service for road owners and road maintenance service providers. Tomorrow’s road conditions already today!
We supervise construction works on highways, streets, bridges, railways and airports.
We check the compliance of road facilities and construction projects with the prescribed requirements.
We conduct traffic and traffic safety studies, construction materials studies, profitability studies and prepare road development plans.
We certify the compliance of construction materials and construction products.
Our training courses are known as a source of best practices.
Road weather information online service created by Teede Tehnokeskus for everyone related to winter road maintenance and traffic. Forecast of road conditions up to 48 hours, information from road weather stations, mobile road sensors, road pictures and much more. Ask us for more.
The innovative thermal measurement device created by Teede Tehnokeskus with software and web environment provides a comprehensive overview of the temperature uniformity of asphalt pavements.
Did you know that it is no longer necessary to spend a lot of money to buy and maintain expensive road weather stations to get road weather information? TIK City Smart Weather was created for this purpose – high-quality road conditions and weather information quickly and conveniently from the locations you need!
We map the road environment with mobile technology that collects both panoramic images and point clouds. The 3D road image system is a useful tool for both the road owner and others whose objects of interest are located in the vicinity of roads. Collecting a 3D road image is fast.
18. septembril 2024 toimus Pärnus, Estonia Resort & Spa konverentsikeskuses iga-aastane konverents „Sillapäev 2024“, mis tõi kokku ligi 160...
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Vastavalt Eesti Vabariigi peaministri korraldusele nr 88 viiakse AS Teede Tehnokeskus Kliimaministeeriumi haldusalasse taristuministri vastutusvaldkonda. Seni kuulus AS Teede...
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Vilniuses 18.01.2024 toimunud Leedu maanteede foorumil „Kelių forumas 2024“ ütles Leedu teedeminister Marius Skuodis, et sektor otsib aktiivselt lahendusi,...
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12.12.23 toimunud foorumil Teehoiutööd 2023 andsime AS Teede Tehnokeskuse poolt välja tasaseima tee auhinna, mille seekord oli auga välja...
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